This family holiday party is free and open to the public and will feature a magic show by award-winning magician, Derek Raposo, as well as Chanukah crafts, edible art and games. Attendees will enjoy traditional Chanukah treats like latkes (potato pancakes) and gelt (chocolate money). Activities are primarily geared for families with children age 3 to 10, although older and younger siblings will enjoy many of the activities as well. The party for families is free and open to the public and sponsored by Temple Chayai Shalom of Easton.
This family holiday party is free and open to the public and will feature a magic show by award-winning magician, Derek Raposo, as well as Chanukah crafts, edible art and games. Attendees will enjoy traditional Chanukah treats like latkes (potato pancakes) and gelt (chocolate money). Activities are primarily geared for families with children age 3 to 10, although older and younger siblings will enjoy many of the activities as well. The party for families is free and open to the public and sponsored by Temple Chayai Shalom of Easton.