Family Table, an agency of Jewish Family and Children Services (JFCS) is located in Waltham, MA. The largest kosher food pantry in New England, they provide healthy food on a monthly and emergency basis to individuals and families in need. They presently service 800 individuals in the greater Boston area each month. Family Table relies on the tireless efforts of thousands of dedicated volunteers. Each month 65 area synagogues collect, sort, pack and deliver groceries for recipients.
One Sunday a year, TCS provides up to eight drivers to distribute groceries to recipients. The Temple Chayai Shalom community is committed to collecting 30 cans of tuna and 30 cans of vegetarian soup each month. We also make special collections for holidays such as Passover. At Chanukah, the community donates gift cards to be distributed to parents of low income clients so they may choose their child’s Chanukah gifts.